Hafez Divination Cards -
Coming Soon!
For generations, Iranians have turned to the poetry of Hafez for guidance and inspiration. This card deck and interpretation booklet are designed to share that tradition with a wider audience. Highlighting Hafez’s philosophy of love, freedom, and the pursuit of inner truth, these bilingual cards stay true to Hafez’s spirit while attempting to make the poet’s wisdom more accessible.
Sign up here to get an update when the cards are in stock.
Nowruz - Eidi عیدی Special
Give the gift of Persian myths and legends this new year. 🎁

a collection of projects to shape and share the beauty of Iranian culture.
Eranshahr was once the name for the lands of ancient Iranians.
One of the biggest open-source efforts of its kind, the Eranshahr project is being built by people around the globe as they contribute their ideas, time, and passions to shape and share the beauty of Iranian culture.

The Book of Kings
An Illustrated Collection of All the Major Characters in the Shahnameh, the Persian Book of Kings